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An awesome woman of God!

Joyce Meyer Webpage





Christian Women, Encourage Women, Depressed Women Women Uplifting Women, inspire

Joyce Meyer Webpage





                No Gripping


I worked with a person who had excellent

administrative skills.  She was very knowledgeable

and her quality of work was exceptional.  She was

one of the best Executive Secretaries I have ever

worked with. 


However, no one wanted to work with her.  Despite her outstanding work, she was constantly complaining.  She complained so much that it caused much strife and dispute within her department.


Having a constant complaining spirit can undermine the spiritual and emotional health of an individual and the people they are in contact with.  It can infect an entire group of people and this can result in discontent, frustration and even rebellion.


We need to avoid a complaining spirit when serving Christ.  Trust God and refuse to complain in difficult times.  There is no value to talk of how much we trust God when all is well.  The true test comes when we sincerely trust in the Lord and stop complaining or causing discord.


God is waiting to bless you, but we must close the destructive door of discontentment and complaining through gratitude and thanksgiving.  Don’t wait until everything is going well in your life.  Decide today to start enjoying your life.  The people you work with and your family will thank you for it.  Stop complaining and start enjoying your life.


Do all things without complaining and disputing.

- Philippians 2:12-18


Inspirational Quotes


“Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.”  German Proverb


If you don’t like something change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude.  Don’t complain.   Maya Angelou


If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.  Anthony J. D’Angelo


Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.  Ephesians 4:29



Women Uplifting Women

Christian encouragement, inspiration to uplift women to be the kind of women God had intended.

This site is dedicated to women of all ages from all walks of life.  It was created to uplift, encourage and inspire women to stop believing the negative thoughts about oneself. 


This Site is

Dedicated to You

God created each of us with great qualities of uniqueness.  He wants us to unleash those qualities that we tend to keep buried inside. 


Depression, low self esteem, and fear are just some of the emotions that keep women from discovering their true potential.   God's light rests within all of us and we encourage women to rise above things that hold us back. 


Read our stories about other women who face trials throughout their lives, but preserve each day and strive to be positive, awesome women of God.  We hope our weekly inspirational quotes will encourage you.  Women can blog with us to share insights to motivate one another.


 It is our hope that this site will empower all women to see just how amazing they truly are.


We hope you will be blessed!











Sun: Updated 2/14/10