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An awesome woman of God!

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Christian Women, Encourage Women, Depressed Women Women Uplifting Women, inspire

Joyce Meyer Webpage





Contentment and at Peace


The secret to finding peace of mind and

contentment is to change your mental attitude. 

Learning to live with a different thought basis

requires prayer, effort and work. 


Do you want to continue struggling or be in peace?

Revamp your thinking to a relaxed attitude of

Acceptance of God’s gift of peace.  

Romans 12:2  says “be transformed by the

renewing of your mind.” 


Here’s a few help tips to get you started on finding peace.


· Don’t let the trouble go to bed with you.  Sleep with a peaceful mind. 

· Think of a beautiful setting or a fun or happy time in your life. 

· Repeat peaceful words. 

· Speak peaceful, quieting words and your mind will react in a peaceful manner. 

· Use poetry or passages from the bible.

· Listen to your words and tone when you are speaking

· Are you criticizing or are you praising others?

· Let go of your past.

· Talk peaceful to be peaceful

· Learn to be quiet and still.

· Don’t burden others with your regrets or disappointment.  Don’t sow dark seeds.

· Be brand new in the now, let go of who you were and begin reaping a life free of anger and fear.

· Put on your new self by standing up to your fear.  The negatives keeps us from rising about and our limits and be at peace with who we are.


Let’s sow an inner peace within ourselves.  It will take work, but we can do it by prayer and supplication.  Create your own list of ways to work at sowing peace in you life. 


Inspirational Quotes


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:25

Women Uplifting Women

Christian encouragement, inspiration to uplift women to be the kind of women God had intended.

This site is dedicated to women of all ages from all walks of life.  It was created to uplift, encourage and inspire women to stop believing the negative thoughts about oneself. 


This Site is

Dedicated to You

God created each of us with great qualities of uniqueness.  He wants us to unleash those qualities that we tend to keep buried inside. 


Depression, low self esteem, and fear are just some of the emotions that keep women from discovering their true potential.   God's light rests within all of us and we encourage women to rise above things that hold us back. 


Read our stories about other women who face trials throughout their lives, but preserve each day and strive to be positive, awesome women of God.  We hope our weekly inspirational quotes will encourage you.  Women can blog with us to share insights to motivate one another.


 It is our hope that this site will empower all women to see just how amazing they truly are.


We hope you will be blessed!











Sun: Updated 2/2/10