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An awesome woman of God!

Joyce Meyer Webpage





Christian Women, Encourage Women, Depressed Women Women Uplifting Women, inspire
Women Uplifting Women

A  Women of Self-Respect


A w            A woman has the potential of having self-respect and

                dignity if she can learn to see herself from heaven’s point of

                  view.  She has a healthy and realistic opinion of herself and

                believes she can do anything God enables her to do. 



         What does a Women of Self-Respect Look Like?



· She has an outgoing concern for others.


· She has a love for God and love towards her neighbors.


· She is selfless and finds joy in all she does for others.


· She is courageous, inspiring, focused and yet very humble.


· She outwardly shows love and respect to others.


· Her body is God’s temple and she cares for it.  She knows that the Spirit of God dwells within her.


· She never gives into self-loathing.  She respects herself because in doing so, she is respecting the God who created her.


· She knows she is clay in the hands of God.


· She will captivate you because she is set apart from the rest.


· She is not concerned with popularity contest.  Only pleasing God is her concern.


· She knows no one person can give her self-worth, but she knows many will try to rob her of it.


· She seeks forgiveness for her wrongs.


· Her joy and contentment come from her outreach to help others.











Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2









Click here to see Joyce Meyer’s her

inspiring message about our self-image.

Christian encouragement, inspiration to uplift women to be the kind of women God had intended.