Folded Corner:

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Christian Encouragement, Inspiration, and Uplifting Women to be the Women God intended from them to be.

Christian Women, Encourage Women, Depressed Women Women Uplifting Women, inspire
Women Uplifting Women

The world and our life experiences shapes us, molds us, makes us who we are.  Each one of us are works of art, being shaped and molded into the person that we are today.  We are all clay on the potter’s wheel of life.


Unfortunately, through trials and hardships of this world, some of us have become dry and hard.  We harbor brokenness, loneliness and sadness.


God knows our pain and suffering.  He wants to shape us into awesome women.  He knows our strengths and potential to do great things.  Why don’t you ask Him to be the Potter of your life.  Stop allowing the world to fashion you. 


The Lord adds drops of water to each one of us to make us more supple and pliable.  He forms and shapes us into what He intended for us to be, but you must allow Him to work through you. 


I hope you will allow God’s Living water to permeate you and agree to connect with Him by stirring up the Holy Spirit within.  Allow Him to continually work at refining and forming you into mighty vessels.


We hope you will read some of the experiences from other women on these Women Uplifting Women pages.  Read their own life experiences when allowing God to be the Potter in their lives.


Whatever experiences in life have shattered you, or someone has hurt you or if you have caused the shattering within yourself, God reaches out and picks up the pieces and uses them to make something beautiful.


I hope you will allow Him to do that today.

Yet, O Lord, you are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all  the work of your hand.

Isaiah 64:8

Shaping Your Life

Women Uplifting Women

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Inspiring Gifts for Women







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