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An awesome woman of God!

Joyce Meyer Webpage





Christian Women, Encourage Women, Depressed Women Women Uplifting Women, inspire

Susan Boyle my Hero!


A rather plump, disheveled looking women walked out on the stage.  It would be hard to say that she didn’t notice the audience laughing at her.  She stood with her microphone in hand smiling.  She never stopped smiling.  Susan answered the questions about her life long dream of becoming a professional singer.  The judges and audience looked at one another, rolling their eyes of the thought that this woman’s dream could ever come true.


But Susan didn’t allow this mean spirited group to deter her.  She even joked about her being 47 years old. (Did I miss something here?  Are women suppose to shrivel up and lay dormant at that age?  I didn’t get it?)


Susan was still smiling despite the cruel and brutal audience when she began to sing.  Like a Sunday morning cartoon the audience’s mouth dropped in unison.  Susan’s remarkable singing voice from within her soul began to sooth and captivate the wild animals in their seats.  Now I understood why she was smiling!


She had not measured up to the worlds standards, but God did a wonderful miracle by blessing this woman with a voice like an angel.  A voice that even made mean spirited Simon sit up and take notice.


Susan showed them all!  Her beauty permeated that auditorium and taught the world a lesson on judging others.  Thank you Susan for inspiring us.  Thank you for being brave enough to take the sneers.  Thank you for making people think twice before slapping a “reject” label based on appearances.


Thank you for being that example of what this website is all about.  Thank you for taking that God given talent and sharing it with the world!





Women Uplifting Women

Christian encouragement, inspiration to uplift women to be the kind of women God had intended.

Click on Susan’s picture to see the video clip.