Folded Corner:

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Christian Women, Encourage Women, Depressed Women Women Uplifting Women, inspire
Women Uplifting Women
Text Box: Christian Encouragement, Inspiration, and Uplifting Women to be the Women God intended from them to be.

I became unglued.  My patience had run out.  After several requests to stop arguing, my children continued to ignore my pleas. 


I got up from my chair and marched upstairs towards them like a crazed bull ready to strike.  The funny part when I look back on it, is the look of surprise on their faces.  What is it about our children that makes them surprised when they push their parents too far even after heated warnings?


Both of them stood in silence as I screamed like a drill sergeant.  Both of them were sent to their rooms and I walked back down stairs frazzled, tired and exhausted from my performance.


There is no enjoyment when losing your patience.  It’s even more exhausting when you lose your temper.  I continued back at my work, but found that I could no longer concentrate.  As I stood blankly staring at the computer screen, the Mommy guilt started to kick in.


The scripture Ephesians 4:2 came into my mind.  God asks us to “make allowance for each other’s faults” and “be patient.”  How many of us struggle with just this that.  I know I do and this day was a perfect example of it.

When you feel like your pushed to the boiling point, here are a few tips that might help you maintain your cool. 


· Take a deep breath and start praying for the will of self control.  Once you are aware of where your emotions are headed, chances are you can stop them from going in a direction of losing control.


· Approach the situation calmly and even toned.  I find people are more inclined to do what you ask without the yelling.


· Remove the drama.  Life can be one big drama and it’s amazing how it can conflicts can be handled calmly once the production is taken out of the mix.  The more we hype up the problem, the more power we give the problem.


· Memorize scripture.  Here is another one of my favorites.  “A fool give full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”

Proverbs 29:11



I hope these tips will help tame the anger that can sometimes get the best of us.  What victory when we get hold of the beast from within us and no longer allow ourselves to lose control.


Take a moment to read through this website.  It was created to uplift and encourage women.  I hope it will be a blessing to you.





Losing Your Patience

   and unleashing your Anger

Women Uplifting Women

Ephesians 4:2

Be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other,

making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.