Folded Corner:

Would you like to contribute an uplifting story or an encouraging message?  We would love to hear from you.  Send your email to

Inadequate.  Inferior.  Self-doubt.  We all feel these emotions from time to time.  Some of us feel it more often than we should.  These feelings keep us from growing, succeeding, thriving to be the best God has intended us to be.


We listen to the whispering of the enemy that we are not good enough, smart enough or worthy of doing something fabulous in our lives.  It’s time to stop believing the lies the world feeds us and start fighting the negative thinking that is determined to keep us tied and helpless in bondage.


The greatest secret for eliminating these inferior feelings is to fill your mind and heart with God’s message of faith and strength.  Condition your negative mind and heart to God’s promises by reading and mentally absorbing the Bible.  You can acquire a dynamic change in the way you feel about yourself.  First you must go humbly to God and pray.  Pray that God’s strength will permeate you.  Drive your prayers deep to destroy doubt, fear and inferiorities. 


During your daily activities, start by memorizing uplifting scripture.  This positive pattern will help to re-educate your mind and drive confident thoughts into consciousness.  By filling your thoughts with God’s affirmation of His presence, support and help, you can actually change your negative thoughts and start seeing a powerful transformation within yourself.


“I pray, God, that You will strengthen me according to Your word.”

Psalm 119:28


It is my hope this website will encourage you and make a new beginning within yourself.  Sit for a while and browse through these pages. Read stories about how women, just like you, who have overcome their bondages by allowing God to strengthen them.


May this website bless you into becoming an awesome woman of God that he intended for you to be.  

Christian Encouragement, Inspiration, and Uplifting Women to be the Women God intended from them to be.

Christian Women, Encourage Women, Depressed Women Women Uplifting Women, inspire

Believe in Yourself

Women Uplifting Women


“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

Women Uplifting Women