Folded Corner:

Christian Encouragement, Inspiration, and Uplifting Women to be the Women God intended from them to be.

Christian Women, Encourage Women, Depressed Women Women Uplifting Women, inspire
Women Uplifting Women
Fighting Depression

Do you sense a little of the gloomy blues?  Maybe

you’re feeling sluggish or find yourself going to that

dark and dingy place.  Don’t allow those venomous

thoughts to have a foothold over you.  You need to

stand up and fight!  Here’s a few suggestions to help

 rid the poison before it works it’s way into your



· Pray!  Ask God to stand at the doorway of your mind and not allow the lies of depression to enter.


· Look up motivating scripture.  Remind yourself of God’s love for you.  Here’s a quick reference website to supply you with courage.


· Control your thoughts.  Our thoughts determine our feelings, which then determines our behavior.  Refer back to a happy moment, a compliment, an achievement or something that will bring a smile to your face.


· Make a list of all your success.  Place it someplace where you can glance at it from time to time throughout your day.


· Make a list of your blessings.  A neat project to do is to keep a notebook of all your blessing for one month.  Write them down as you think about them.  It’s amazing how much you have in only a few weeks.


· Play inspirational/uplifting music.  Christian music is a great spirit lifter.


· Exercise.  It’s difficult to get started, but after a good 1/2 workout, you’ll feel much better.  You’ll notice a difference in yourself after one full week. 


· Call a friend.  Sometimes it’s good to share what you’re feeling and ask them to pray with you.  “Where two or more gather in my name, there will I be also.” Matthew 18:20


Don’t allow the enemy to sway you into wrong thinking.  Fight back and stomp down hard on those deceptive ways.   So when you hear him (the enemy) come knocking at your door, surprise him by not letting him in.

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